Kutipan “Scientists Have Substituted” dari Nikola Tesla

Pada artikel “Radio Power will Revolutionize the World” di majalah “Modern Mechanix and Inventions”, edisi July 1934, Nikola Tesla mengatakan:

“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”

Kaum Bumi datar menggunakan kutipan tersebut untuk mendiskreditkan sains dan ilmuwan. Mereka tak menyadari bahwa Nikola Tesla berkali-kali mengatakan Bumi itu bulat di artikel tersebut.

Halaman 40: “We will soon be communicating with other planets…” “Tomorrow we will see rocket planes flying through stratosphere at a speed of a mile a second…” “The transmission of energy to another planet is now only a matter of engineering.” “The new era will see amazing developments in interplanetary relations.” “Every other planet has to pass through the same phase of existence this earth did, and life is started on them during that favorable phase by the rays of some sun.” “By using ultra-short waves, science expect to penetrate the heaviside layer … and establish radio communication with Mars and other distant planets.” Terdapat pula diagram transmisi radio dari Bumi ke Mars.

Halaman 41: “… my measurements and calculations showed that it was perfectly practicable to produce on our globe …” “Thus, from mere possibility, interplanetary communication has entered the stage of probability.” “… these waves … follow the curvature of the earth …”

Halaman 42: Terdapat diagram arah rotasi Bumi dan roket mengelilingi Bumi.
